Tech Trends

Best OpenSource AutoML frameworks in 2021

A curated list of OpenSource AutoML frameworks.

Tech Ninja
6 min readNov 7, 2021


Photo by George Morina on Pexels

What is the AutoML framework?

AutoML is machine learning that has been automated to some extent, reducing the effort required from human coders. AutoML may include the following:

  • Automated data preparation (e.g., imputation of missing values, feature scaling, feature selection, etc.)
  • Automated grid search and hyperparameter optimization
  • Automatic evaluation of multiple algorithms
  • Automated ensembling of models (e.g., ensemble selection and stacking)

Ludwig is a toolbox that permits users to train and test deep learning models without writing code, built on top of TensorFlow.

To train a model, we need to provide is a file containing data, a list of columns as an input, and a list of columns as an output; Ludwig will perform the rest for us.

The Linux Foundation hosts Ludwig as part of the LF AI & Data Foundation.

MLBox is an influential Automated Machine Learning python library.

It delivers the below capabilities:

  • Fast scanning and distributed data…



Tech Ninja

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